ASAPS Specialist Plastic Surgeons are qualified, experienced and ethical practitioners.


We believe that best-practice plastic/cosmetic surgery is performed by Specialist Plastic Surgeons.

Building on a foundation of integrity, care and compassion, at ASAPS our overriding focus is patient safety and successful plastic/cosmetic surgery outcomes.

With the growth of the cosmetic surgery industry, there has been a surge of doctors calling themselves cosmetic doctors, cosmetic physicians or cosmetic surgeons. Unfortunately, many of these doctors are not Specialist Plastic Surgeons and their training is not recognised by the Medical Board of Australia, the Medical Council of New Zealand or the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

A Specialist Plastic Surgeon is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS). FRACS is necessary to gain specialist recognition as a surgeon in Australia and New Zealand.

At ASAPS, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in the plastic/cosmetic surgery field and committed to educating the wider public about the significant benefits of having their plastic/cosmetic surgery performed by a Specialist Plastic Surgeon.

World-class standards require world-class FRACS qualified surgeons