Buttock Augmentation / Butt Lift

What is buttock augmentation or a lift?

Buttock augmentation is designed to change the desired shape of the buttocks and can involve a number of procedures including The Brazilian Butt Lift, Buttock Augmentation Surgery, Butt Implants and Liposuction.

Is it right for me?

There are real differences that can be made to the buttock through these procedures if you feel you are lacking somewhat in this area. Your surgeon will talk through the options available and together you can find the right procedure to ensure the best outcome that suits you and meets your expectations.

Potential complications

All surgery comes with some degree of risk. Implants have the advantage of adding long-lasting volume to the buttocks, but can have higher risks for infection, seromas and malpositioning. The fat transfer procedures (including Brazilian Butt Lift) are less invasive than implant augmentation, and the required liposculpture helps contour the gluteal area. A disadvantage is that the amount of volume that remains after a year varies from person to person. Don’t worry, your surgeon will explain potential complications and commit to supporting you throughout recovery.


During surgery

Your time in surgery may vary according to your needs and the specifics of the procedures being performed. Your surgeon will explain everything to you during consultation.


One of the most important reasons for choosing a reputable surgeon is that they will be by your side throughout the recovery process, ready to reassure and support you at every stage. Ask your surgeon what recovery will involve for you.