The Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) is excited to be hosting the 47th Annual ASAPS Conference 24-26 October 2025 at W Sydney.

The Annual ASAPS Conference continues to nurture new ideas and consolidate well-known practices whilst being true to our motto, Excellence in Cosmetic Surgery. This year’s conference will feature distinguished local and international plastic surgeons, including Dr Kiya Movassaghi from the USA, Dr Marc Pacifico and Professor David Dunaway from the UK, and Dr Caroline Glicksman from the USA and sponsored by LifeHealthcare. These experts will share invaluable pearls, insights and techniques on a range of topics including breast and face surgery.

We will also offer specialised Nurses and Business Management Streams making this an educational experience for the entire practice team. Building on the strengths of our past meetings, the Annual ASAPS Conference will provide attendees with the very latest tools, techniques and thoughts in the arena of aesthetic plastic surgery so that attendees can emulate excellence in all they say and do.

An integral component to the success of the Annual ASAPS Conference are the social engagements which provide attendees with invaluable networking opportunities in an informal setting. The Welcome Reception and particularly the Gala Dinner are not to be missed.

Dr Cameron Keating
Specialist Plastic Surgeon (MED0001202462)
47th Annual ASAPS Conference Scientific Convenor
ASAPS Board Member & Chair of Education

We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional event!

2024 ASAPS Annual Conference Highlights

International Speakers
Aesthetic Technology Partners
Social Events

International Keynote Speakers

We have a distinguished international faculty lining up to speak about a plethora of topics including breast and face surgery and more.

Venue & Accommodation

W Sydney

The 47th Annual ASAPS Conference 2025 will take place at W Sydney.

31 Wheat Road, Sydney NSW 2000

Accommodation details coming soon.


Program at a Glance coming soon.

Submissions Open:

Monday 17 February 2025

Submissions Close:

Friday 4 April 2025

Notification to

Wednesday 23 April 2025

Author Registration Deadline:

Monday 23 June 2025

Abstract Submissions opening soon

Abstract Themes

Breast, Face and Hair Research

Business / Practice Management

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Nursing

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts from Consultants, Surgical Trainees and Aspirants are invited.

There is a vast amount of untapped experience and knowledge within our membership base and we encourage you to share your wisdom, research and findings by submitting abstracts which will potentially enhance the topics our guests are presenting. These sessions have become both entertaining and informative, and we look forward to your contribution. Please note, that in previous meetings we have been able to include most of the submitted presentations, however, the number of papers submitted has increased each year and we are unable to accept all of the free papers offered.

Submissions must conform to the Abstract Preparation Guidelines as outlined below. Abstracts which do not comply with the rules of submission or layout guidelines, will be declined and returned to the author. Abstracts without results (or with “results pending”, “results to be discussed” or similar) will not be considered for presentation.

Presentations will be selected based on scientific merit, clinical merit and topicality. There may be only one presenting author, but multiple authors may be listed on the submission. Authors must disclose if their abstract has been previously submitted, published or presented. You will be required to indicate your disclosures and whether the presentation is industry supported or initiated. Where applicable, all studies must have been approved by institutional committees on ethics of experimental and human/animal investigations.

Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in all printed material of the 2025 Annual ASAPS meeting. Only abstracts from authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled for presentation and included in the conference handbook.

Submission Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Available to all ASAPS Members.

Oral presentations are usually 15 minutes or as appropriate for the program.

Audiovisual Equipment

Each lecture room will be equipped for the presentation of PowerPoint slides and include a data projector, laptop, lectern and microphone. Multimedia clips should be embedded in your slides. Other audio-visual aids, such as overhead projectors, are not available.

All presentations must be digital in either PowerPoint or Keynote. Speakers will be required to bring their presentations on a USB stick with them to the conference. Your presentation must be given to the audio-visual team at least three (3) hours prior to the start of the session in which you are presenting. It is disruptive to be changing computer connections at the lectern so presenting on your own laptop is not permitted.

Selection and Notification

All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Joint Scientific Meeting Committee. Presenting authors will be notified after the closing date regarding the status of their abstract. All presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fees should they be selected. All presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.

* Please note that all successful delegates presenting abstracts are required to register under the relevant delegate category for the event. A discounted early bird code will be provided to you upon approval of your abstract which will allow you to register at the discounted rate regardless of your registration date.  

Abstract Preparation
LengthMaximum 300 words
TitleLimited to 20 words in sentence case (i.e. capital letters are used for the first letter of the first work and proper nouns; all other words are lower case.
Author and Co-Authors’ details Include all authors. The first author will be presumed to be the presenting author unless otherwise specified at abstract submission.
Required abstract structure Organise the abstract as follows:
  • Disclosures
  • Aim/purpose (preferably one sentence)
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusions (It is not satisfactory to state “The results will be discussed”)
Abbreviations Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears the first time. Use generic names for drugs. Express numbers as numerals.
Tables 1 table of up to 10 rows x 5 columns can be included per abstract.
Graphs 1 graph can be included per abstract. Images/graphs can be .jpeg and should be 300dpi (where possible) when scaled to 100%. Please note that these may be resized to fit in the final printed material.

Social Events

Welcome Reception

Friday 24 October 2025

Venue: W Sydney

Delegate Ticket: Complimentary

Additional Guest Ticket: $120

Gala Dinner

Saturday 25 October 2025

Venue: The Jackson

Delegate Ticket: $295

Additional Guest Tickets: $330

Aesthetic Technology Partners

Partnership Opportunities

ASAPS is dedicated to the task of tailoring partnership packages to suit your individual requirements.

An exciting range of opportunities have been developed to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome for partner involvement.

With an extensive promotional campaign including advertisements and email broadcasts planned, the earlier you can confirm your involvement the better to maximise the exposure of your involvement. The opportunity also exists for your company to be represented as a key partner of the meeting well in advance of the Annual Conference taking place.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact [email protected] for a copy of the Aesthetic Technology Partner prospectus.

Platinum Partner

$45,000 (incl. GST)


  • Company logo and acknowledgement as Platinum Sponsor on the event mobile app and website
  • Two (2) push notifications through event app during the conference
  • Verbal acknowledgement as Platinum Sponsor during the opening ceremony
  • Your company logo on event marketing emails
  • Your company logo included on the sponsors holding slide


  • Three (3) complimentary registrations to the event, including tickets to social events (Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner)
  • Access to the delegate list two weeks out from the event including name, position, and organisation of those who opt in


  • Two (2) 2.5m x 2.5m exhibition booths. First preference of booth position.

Networking Events

  • One (1) sponsored VIP table of 8 guests to attend the Gala Dinner. All guests must be event delegates, including your company representatives, and have a pre-purchased ticket or have been assigned a ticket from your complimentary allocation.

Option 1: Welcome Reception (exclusive opportunity)

Valued at $7,500
(incl. GST)

Venue: The W Sydney, within exhibition area

  • Naming rights in conjunction with the Conference to the Welcome Reception. Ie. “The ASAPS Annual Conference Welcome Reception Is proudly sponsored by…”
  • The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned at the entrance to the Welcome reception venue (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
  • Small table signs featuring the organisation name and logo displayed on cocktail tables at the Welcome Reception (Conference Managers to supply)
  • Two (2) tickets for the sponsor’s nominated guests to attend the Welcome Reception
  • Opportunity for sponsor to provide branded materials such as napkins for use by guests during the function. We welcome your ideas to provide additional theming for the function, subject to the approval of the Organising Committee.
  • Opportunity to do a welcome speech at the commencement of the evening.

Option 2: Gala Dinner (exclusive opportunity)

Valued at $15,000
(incl. GST)

Venue: The Jackson

  • Naming rights in conjunction with the Conference to the Gala Dinner. Ie. “The ASAPS Annual Conference Gala Dinner is proudly sponsored by…”
  • The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned at the entrance to the Conference Dinner venue (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
  • Small table signs featuring the organisation name and logo displayed on the tables at the Conference Dinner (Conference Managers to supply)
  • Opportunity for organisation representative to present a five (5) minute speech at the function (basic audio visual will be provided – additional audio visual is at the expense of the sponsor)
  • Organisation logo will be printed on all dinner programs/menu and tickets
  • Sponsor may provide the Conference Dinner guests with a branded gift (sponsor to supply gifts). Note: Subject to the approval of the Organising Committee.
  • Opportunity for sponsor to provide branded materials such as signage decals, branded flag on boat, napkins etc for use by guests during the function. We welcome your ideas to provide additional theming for the function, subject to the approval of the Organising Committee.

Optional Additions

As a Platinum sponsor, you will have the option to add on the below at a reduced cost. If any of the entitlement inclusions are not suitable for your organisation and objectives please do reach out to the organisers to tailor a customised package.

Breakfast Workshop

 $14,000 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity to host a breakfast workshop during the event program:
    • The subject of the Workshop and the invited speaker are to be negotiated with the Convenor
    • All catering costs will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • The Conference will cover room rental and standard audio-visual services (projector, screen and 2 handheld mics). Any additional audio-visual requirements including extra labour with technicians or room layout changes will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • Workshops time slots will be allocated by The Organiser
  • Your company logo featured in the conference program
Gold Partner

$30,500 (incl. GST)

Branding and Promotion

  • Company logo and acknowledgement as Gold Sponsor on the event mobile app and website
  • One (1) push notification through event app
  • Verbal acknowledgement as Gold Sponsor during the Opening Ceremony
  • Your company logo on event marketing emails
  • Your company logo included on the sponsors holding slide


  • Two (2) complimentary registrations to the event, including tickets to social events
  • Access to the delegate list two weeks out from the event including name, position, and organisation of those who opt in


  • One (1) 2.5m x 2.5m exhibition booth. Priority placement of booth position.

Optional Additions

As a Gold sponsor, you will have the option to add on any of the below at a reduced cost. If any of the below options or entitlement inclusions are not suitable for your organisation and objectives, please do reach out to the organisers.

Breakfast Workshop

 $14,000 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity to host a breakfast workshop during the event program:
    • The subject of the Workshop and the invited speaker are to be negotiated with the Convenor
    • All catering costs will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • The Conference will cover room rental and standard audio-visual services (projector, screen and 2 handheld mics). Any additional audio-visual requirements including extra labour with technicians or room layout changes will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • Workshops time slots will be allocated by The Organiser
  • Your company logo featured in the conference program


 $10,000 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity for sponsor to brand lanyards, including ASAPS Annual Conference Logo
Silver Partner

$20,000 (incl. GST)


  • One (1) complimentary registration to the event, including tickets to social events
  • Access to the live delegate list two weeks out from the event including name, position, and organisation of those who opt in


  • One (1) 2.5m x 2.5m exhibition booth. Priority placement of booth position.


  • Your company logo featured in the conference program

Branding and Promotion

  • Company logo and acknowledgement as Silver Sponsor on the event mobile app and website
  • Verbal acknowledgement as Silver Sponsor at the commencement of the event by the convenor
  • Your company logo on event marketing emails
  • Your company logo on the sponsor holding slide at the event

Optional Additions

As a Silver sponsor, you have the option to select one of the below Sponsorship opportunities as part of your sponsorship, in addition to the above sponsorship inclusions.

Day Catering Sponsor

$3,000 (incl. GST)

  • Naming rights to one (1) day of catering, including morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Your company logo on catering signage

Additional Partnership Opportunities

Breakfast Workshop

$16,635 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity to host a breakfast workshop during the event program:
    • The subject of the Workshop and the invited speaker are to be negotiated with the Convenor
    • All catering costs will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • The Conference will cover room rental and standard audio-visual services (projector, screen and 2 handheld mics). Any additional audio-visual requirements including extra labour with technicians or room layout changes will be at the cost of the sponsor
    • Workshops time slots will be allocated by The Organiser
  • Your company logo featured in the conference program

Business Management Sessions

$9,145 (incl. GST)

  • Including signage within meeting rooms for all Nurses and Practice Managers sessions. Opportunity for the company to present within the Nurses and Practice Managers Sessions. The presentation and the invited speakers are to be negotiated with the Nurses and Practice Managers Convenor.

Coffee Cart

$8,570 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity to provide coffee machine signage (at the sponsor’s expense and subject to approval by The Organiser)
  • Opportunity to supply branded cups (keep cups are subject to venue approval and are at the sponsors expense)

App Partner

$4,000 (incl. GST)

  • Acknowledgement as the App Partner
  • A dedicated partnership page on our award-winning Mobile Event Program App. It will increase the digital engagement of the Congress by as much as 70%, providing you a standout branding position
  • Company logo to be featured on the Event App home page
  • One (1) push notification (limit of 140 characters) per event day
  • One (1) additional push notification prior to and after the event

WIFI Password Partnership

$1,840 (incl. GST)

  • The password will be your company name

E-Poster / E-Brochure on the Conference App

$1,265 (incl. GST)

Plenary Partnership

$5,000 (incl. GST)

  • Opportunity to provide a 30 second video to be played at the start of the session
  • Dedicated sponsor slide included in the holding slides including a QR code to sponsors choice of URL

Push Notification

$1,840 (incl. GST)

  • Send a message of your choosing (140 max characters) directly to all mobile app participants at any time, on any day.

Exhibition Opportunities

The exhibition is the focal point of the Annual ASAPS Conference, and the program is structured to maximize the opportunity for delegates to visit the exhibition, and for exhibitors to receive a high level of exposure to all delegates. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will all be served in the exhibition area for the duration of the Conference.

Exhibition Booth

2.5m x 2.5m
$8,625 (incl. GST)

  • Carpet flooring
  • Back and side walls
  • One (1) standard power point
  • Two (2) spotlights
  • Company branded fascia over all open sides
  • Two (2) complimentary exhibitor registrations (including lunch, morning and afternoon teas)
  • Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Welcome Reception
  • Trestle table with two (2) chairs

PLEASE NOTE: Gala Dinner tickets for exhibitors may be purchased for an additional cost.

To express your interest in partnering or exhibiting at the ASAPS Annual Conference please direct your enquiry to [email protected].