Everyone at some point in their life has looked into the mirror and not been happy with what was staring back at them. Be it sun damage, the early signs of ageing, an ever-expanding waistline or the remnants of childbearing, let’s be honest, there’s always something we would like to improve about ourselves.
Nowadays, it’s a common practice for people to change the way they look by getting cosmetic surgery and with the proliferation of practitioners – with varying skills and expertise offering discounts and package deals, it’s also more accessible than ever. Here are five things you should consider however before rushing in.
Mental health check
It’s essential for you to take stock of your mental health by asking yourself why you want to have the surgery done. Will it be the panacea you are hoping? Or is there something else that you could be doing as well? If there is someone else pushing you to have the surgery, do they have your best interests at heart?
Starting an exercise regime
Getting 30 minutes of exercise in every day, on top of decreasing the amount of time you spend sitting each day is vital for good health. Having a good blood flow helps your cardiovascular system as well as releasing endorphins which help to keep you happy.
When your outside reflects how you feel about yourself on the inside, chances are you will feel much better about yourself.
Giving up smoking
Smoking is the single worst thing you can do for your health. It also ages you more quickly by dehydrating the skin causing early signs of ageing; such as fine lines around your mouth as well as discolouring your teeth, nails and hands.
It is a requirement of most major surgeries that you give up smoking for at least two weeks before your surgery. Giving up smoking will also aid in the healing of your scars. If you can give up for two weeks, why not keep going and give up for good?
Reducing your alcohol intake
Alcohol, like a packet of chips or bowl of ice-cream, is laden with kilojoules that will add centimetres to your waist. It also makes your system sluggish meaning it will be harder to get out of bed in the morning and get to your exercise class. It’s a vicious cycle.
Excessive alcohol consumption also takes a toll on your liver with symptoms including nausea, jaundice, fatigue, swelling in the legs and abdomen, darkening or lightening of the skin, red hands or feet, mood swings and bleeding gums. All not nice and can play a major role in your overall disposition.
Remember, no-one has ever woken up on a Sunday morning wishing they had a hangover.
Eating more healthily
You can’t outrun a bad diet, so it’s important when taking on a healthier lifestyle to ensure that what you are putting into your system is also of good quality. We have easy access to greasy takeaway foods, but with a little organisation and preparation a healthy diet can work out to be cheaper and more convenient.
Having surgery is not something to take lightly. The requirement to be anaesthetised is a big deal and your recovery time may be longer than expected. The results you were hoping for as well, if not realistic, may leave you disappointed.
That’s why if you do decide to go ahead, that it’s important to see a member of the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons whose ethics and training are of the highest standing. Our members are all Specialist Plastic Surgeons who will take the time to thoroughly consult with you about your lifestyle and expectations so you are informed of what the surgery will involve and how realistic the outcomes will be.
Visit our member’s directory to find the right surgeon for you.